Military Service Persons Project
In October of 2007, the Pride of Scotts decided to do something to show support for our local military men and women from Scotts, Climax, Vicksburg, Galesburg and surrouding areas. An organizational project was created to send care packages to these heroes, and make sure they are cared for overseas. Members of the community have worked very hard to make this possible.
Participants in this community project have included the Pride of Scotts, Climax-Scotts Elementary, Middle and High School students and teachers and the Climax American Legion. People from Climax, Scotts, Vicksburg, Galesburg, Kalamazoo and surrounding areas have baked cookies, donated money and given of their time and effort to demonstrate that our community supports the fine men and women serving our country.
Snacks such as beef jerky, tuna, cookies, crackers, etc. are perfect items to send in the boxes. Home baked cookies continue to be the number one favorite of our troops.
We have heard back from military personnel, and they really enjoy the care packages from home. Thank you letters received from care package recipients are a reminder that the project makes a positive impact.
To keep the project going, we are asking for donations of items and funds. The funds will be used to ship boxes to military service personnel from Climax, Scotts and surrounding areas.
Drop Off: Scotts Community Center
Drop Off Date: December 3, 2024 at 5:30pm - 8:30pm
Packing Date: December 4, 2024 at 9:00am - 10:30am
Your cash donations will be used to balance out the packages, and pay for shipping.
Checks may be made out to:
Pride of Scotts
8450 South 36th Street
PO Box 159
Scotts, MI 49088
For any general questions or to add a service person to the mailing list, contact Judy Lemon (269) 665 - 9231